I am a car enthusiast that has a passion for driving and messing around with cars. I am a newcomer to being a backyard mechanic with only about a year of experience beyond the routine oil changes. I've been learning as I go and enjoying most of it (as well as lots of cursing, bleeding knuckles and various other cuts, bruises and sores). It's always the drive afterward that totally makes up for all that hard effort.
I have so far owned and worked on Hondas. Ever since I was exposed to the import/Honda scene in my early teen years, I've always had a sweet spot for those little engines that could. I'll be introducing my cars in a future post.
Anyhow, I created this blog because I want to have a place to keep track of my progress on different projects that I work on. I am on many forums, but would rather have just one place to keep updated. I have so far not documented a whole lot of what I have worked on and would like to have a place for that, and "Voila!" here it is.